Frequently Asked Questions

Safety and Security Assessments

A typical school can take approximately 3-5 hours to complete. In many cases interviews with key personnel can be conducted virtually in advance of the site visit.

Our consultant will spend time meeting with the building principal or head administrator. We will then perform a walkthrough with administration and key personnel who are most familiar with the building & grounds (Head Custodian or Security Personnel).

Yes, we prefer to perform our assessment while school is in session.

While they are welcome to participate, members of the ERT do not need to participate in a site assessment. 

The following school personnel should be available during our visit: School administrator or assistant, Head custodian, School security supervisor (if applicable). Other personnel may be requested by the consultants if available.

The following documents have already been requested from the district or your school and will be needed on or before our site visit: Copy of your building-level emergency plan, Floor plans and Memorandum of agreements for non-district owned evacuation sites.